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Diễn đàn Vắc xin tự sinh trong y học heo: Tại sao và Làm thế nào?

Thứ năm1Th1220222022-12-012022-12-01
Hôtel Le Dauphin, De Drummondville, Canadahttp://www.cripa.umontreal.ca
Diễn đàn Vắc xin tự sinh trong y học heo: Tại sao và Làm thế nào?

Organized by the Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Center (CRIPA). A strategic cluster funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec- Nature et technologies. Program 8:30-8:50 Welcoming participants (Coffee) 8:50-9:00 Opening remarks - Dr. Mariela Segura, Director - Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Center (CRIPA) 9:00-9:40 New data on autogenous bacterins against Streptococcus suis - Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk and Dr. Mariela Segura - Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Canada 9:40-10:20 Glaesserella parasuis diagnostics and autogenous vaccination: our experiences - Dr. Brad Chappell, Topigs Norsvin Canada 10:20-10:35 Coffee break (networking) 10:35-11:20 How can autogenous vaccines overcome swine influenza vaccine challenges for US pigs? - Dr. Marie Culhane, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, USA  11:20-12:05 The evolution of Ontario Regional Influenza Vaccines - Dr. Kevin Vilaça, South West Vets, Ontario, Canada 12:05-13:30 Lunch (networking) 13:30-14:10 Overview of swine autogenous vaccines in Western Europe and Experimental assessment of the immunogenicity of autogenous vaccines against Streptococcus suis - Dr. Eric Thibault and Dr. Hubert Gantelet, Ceva Animal Health 14:10-14:30 The use of Streptococcus suis. Whole Genome Sequencing in vaccine development - Josh Elston, Newport Laboratories, USA 14:30-14:50 Streptococcus suis vaccine challenge study results - Dr. Andrea Pitkin, Newport Laboratories, USA 14:50-15:05 Coffee break (networking) 15:05-15:45 Field experiences managing Influenza in sow units with RNA particle vaccines, the Sequivity Technology - Dr. Channing Sebo-Decker, Merck Animal Health, USA 15:45-16:00 Discussion - Dr. André Broes, Biovet, Canada 16:00-17:00 Wine and cheese

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