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Animal Health Innovation Asia 2022

Thứ ba18Th1020222022-10-18Thứ tư19Th1020222022-10-19
Bangkok, Thái Lanhttps://bit.ly/3vXZOYhevents@kisacoresearch.com
Animal Health Innovation Asia 2022

Advancing Innovation, Product Regulation and Strategic Corporate Partnerships in Asia Pacific Our mission is to engage all key participants in the value chain so we can address the full scope of how animal health impacts pet owners, veterinarians, and farmers today.   Across regions of Asia, prediction, prevention, and treatment of disease in animals are becoming increasingly important, with Japan and China continuing to lead the charge, but we are seeing new markets emerging including Thailand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia. One of the biggest challenges in this region for large animal health companies is sourcing innovation, and for start-ups, it is entering new markets.  Animal Health, Nutrition and Technology Innovation Asia 2022 tackle these challenges as well as provide a critical opportunity for face-to-face meetings.

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