Sự kiện trong tháng Tháng 5 trong năm 2023 trong Lịch trình sự kiện 333

ANUFOOD ChinaANUFOOD China10Th520232023-05-1012Th520232023-05-12Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Trung Quốchttp://www.anufoodchina.com
Safe Pork 2023Safe Pork 202315Th520232023-05-1517Th520232023-05-17New Orleans, Louisiana, Mỹhttps://www.regcytes.extension.iastate.edu/safepork/
SIAL Shanghai 2023SIAL Shanghai 202318Th520232023-05-1820Th520232023-05-20Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), Trung Quốchttps://www.sialchina.com/
CAHE - China International Animal Husbandry ExpoCAHE - China International Animal Husbandry Expo18Th520232023-05-1820Th520232023-05-20Chengdu, Trung Quốchttp://www.caaa.com.cn/
Alltech ONE Ideas ConferenceAlltech ONE Ideas Conference21Th520232023-05-2123Th520232023-05-23Lexington, Kentucky, Mỹhttps://one.alltech.com/
14th ESPHM14th ESPHM31Th520232023-05-312Th620232023-06-02School of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hi Lạphttps://www.esphm2023.org/
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