
EPP Congress 2024

4ª feira29Mai20242024-05-296ª feira31Mai20242024-05-31
WESTOTEL Nantes Atlantique, França
EPP Congress 2024

How to engage the consumer? – This will be the main topic of the Congress. Therefore, we will attract the following topics within our conference (extract): Overview about French pig production system – Christine Roguet (IFIP) Role of meat in human nutrition – Philippe Legrand (Inserm – Agrocampus Rennes) A pig without CO2 emission – Gilles and Marie Agnès Fassot (Pig farmer) Cooperation between producers and retailers – Laurent Dartois (Pig farmer) Be good 2030 -  A new pig production guideline of Henaff group – Loïc Hénaff (Henaff group) Challenges of pig production – Christiane Lambert (Copa Cogeca) Including live visits of pig farms (virtual)