
Empresa Premium

Pig333 could be defined as the website of reference for pig production, but we are much more: technical articles, markets, news, tools, social network, store, training, events...

On Pig333 you will find thousands of technical articles on swine health, nutrition, management, welfare, facilities, genetics, and reproduction written by the best international experts. All content published on Pig333 is original and independent. We not only address on-farm production, but we also focus on economics, with a whole section dedicated to pig and commodity prices from markets around the world as well as opinion articles by true experts in the economics of pork production. You will also find daily news and lots of tools and calculators to help you make decisions.

But there's more! Pig333 is not only a great encyclopedia about pigs, Pig333 is the largest community of swine professionals in the world. We have more than 120,000 registered users who can participate on the page not only by liking posts, but also by publishing their own content on our very own social network.

All this content, which is accessible free of charge, makes us the best showcase in the world for companies in the swine industry to place their banners or target their mailings. We also give companies a strong presence on Pig333, allowing them to contract their own space in the 333 Directory, where they can publish their own content and present their products.

That's not all, because we also have an online store (333Shop) where you will find everything you need for the farm (and much more).

In addition, we have an online training department (333Academy).

We also organize in-person or online events which can range from a one-hour webinar to a multi-day conference.

Having been online for over 25 years, Pig333 has become the largest community of professionals in the swine industry because from the beginning we have been committed to creating a universal site starting at the local level. We have been opening editions in different languages, with delegates in each country, who provide us with a local point of view. Currently Pig333 is available in: Spanish (with specific editions for Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and the rest of Latin America), English, French, Italian, Portuguese (with separate editions for Brazil and Portugal), German, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Africa (English and French versions).

pig333 es seguido por 833 usuarios
Javier Lorente Martin Agrónomo/Zootécnico Javier Lorente Martin España 7 Publicaciones 286 Seguidores
Jordi Guillaumet Veterinario Jordi Guillaumet España 41 Publicaciones 77 Seguidores
Xavier Salamó Agrónomo/Zootécnico Xavier Salamó España 16 Publicaciones 410 Seguidores
Miquel Crisol Veterinario Miquel Crisol España 66 Publicaciones 430 Seguidores
Yuttana Choisaeng Veterinario Yuttana Choisaeng Tailandia 8 Seguidores
luz adriana ramirez luna Veterinario luz adriana ramirez luna Colombia 10 Publicaciones 88 Seguidores
Adrian Balaban Veterinario Adrian Balaban Rumanía 9 Seguidores
Bryan Hwang Usuario Bryan Hwang Corea del Sur 1 Seguidores
Svetlozar Stoyanov Veterinario Svetlozar Stoyanov Bulgaria 9 Seguidores
Benson Gapuz Veterinario Benson Gapuz Filipinas 1 Seguidores
Tan Nguyen Anh Veterinario Tan Nguyen Anh Vietnam 6 Seguidores
Juan Antonio Mesonero Escuredo Veterinario Juan Antonio Mesonero Escuredo España 29 Seguidores
Tomi olatunde Agrónomo/Zootécnico Tomi olatunde Rumanía 4 Seguidores
Jordi Coletas Rial Usuario Jordi Coletas Rial España 29 Seguidores
Tamás Révész Veterinario Tamás Révész Hungría 10 Seguidores
levi june solito Veterinario levi june solito Filipinas 7 Seguidores
Fook Kheong Ng Veterinario Fook Kheong Ng Singapur 5 Seguidores
Gustavo Lopez-Moreno Veterinario Gustavo Lopez-Moreno Venezuela 1 Seguidores
Karen Alexanian Ganadero Karen Alexanian Rusia 9 Seguidores
Jesus Pinto Petilla Veterinario Jesus Pinto Petilla Filipinas 1 Publicaciones 4 Seguidores
Young Chul  Jung Ganadero Young Chul Jung Corea del Sur 1 Seguidores
Constantinos Hadjiconstantouras Ganadero Constantinos Hadjiconstantouras Chipre 3 Seguidores
Larra Romabon Veterinario Larra Romabon Filipinas 2 Seguidores
Rauh Rolf Educación/investigación Rauh Rolf Estados Unidos 1 Seguidores
luciano fusco Veterinario luciano fusco Italia 4 Publicaciones 21 Seguidores
Pablo Moreno Veterinario Pablo Moreno Estados Unidos 18 Seguidores
Milena Bojidarova Ganadero Milena Bojidarova Bulgaria 8 Seguidores
vitaliu zacharevich Veterinario vitaliu zacharevich Bielorrusia 1 Publicaciones 3 Seguidores
Chris Beghin Usuario Chris Beghin Sudáfrica 8 Seguidores
Oscar Gonzalez Barreiro Veterinario Oscar Gonzalez Barreiro Argentina 24 Seguidores
Goran Panici Ganadero Goran Panici Rumanía 4 Seguidores


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