Imun'up improved growth performance and the immune system in piglets.

immune system


growth performances

Suplementos nutricionales para lechones Suplementos nutricionales para reproductores

TECHNA proposes Imun'up, a combination of plant extracts and aromatic compounds contributing to the improvement of growth performances and supporting the immune system of the piglet.

Imun'up combines complementary modes of action:

  • When fed to sows: the high quality of the sow colostrum supports the passive immunity transferred to the piglet litter
  • When fed to piglets: linked to an optimal feeding strategy, the active immune system of the piglets is supported to help fight against infection


To find out more about our pork expertise, you may be interested in the following articles: 

  • To prevent piglets losses during lactation  : click here

  • How to Adapt Piglet Feed around Weaning? click here

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