Crystal Spring Hog Equipment Empresa - Canadá15-jul-2022
Any good biosecurity "prevention strategy” goes beyond tracking workers and visitors to make sure they don’t bring viruses into the farm—it also ensures barns and equipment can be effectively cleaned to keep sickness out. That’s why, in recent years, Crystal Spring has been focused on engineering innovative equipment to aid farmers in their biosecurity.

For example, in response to the PEDs outbreak, we redesigned the feed shelf in our Finishing and Wean-to-Finish Wet/Dry Feeders (for the first time in 20 years!) to ensure our feeders could be completely cleaned between herds. The new innovative flat shelf on our WF2 Feeders is easier to clean, simpler to manage, and can be accessed by pigs of all sizes... from 8lbs to 280lbs!

Learn more at or by contacting our team at or WhatsApp/Phone +1 (402) 227-8228.
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