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Quick transponder FDX amarillo (100 unidades)ref: 6434
90,40+ iva

Yellow FDX electronic ear tag

Electronic ear tag (Quick transponder) for pigs, cattle, sheep and goats.

High quality durable electronic ear tag

Works with portable FDX ear tag readers and fixed FDX readers

Printed and programmed according to ISO 11784/11785 standard

Crotales y accesorios Identificación electrónica de ganado Pide un presupuesto 333shop

Electronic ear tag made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that operates at 134.2 kHz.

Lightweight ear tag: 3.91 grams.

Drill hole closure: closed.

Quick transponder FDX amarillo (100 unidades)ref: 6434
90,40+ iva

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