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Secante para lechones Vital Blue Skin 1125Kg (45X25Kg)ref: 4956
916,80+ iva

Vital Blue Skin

Special Mineral Complex for bedding and piglets
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Vital Blue Skin

1. Vital Blue Skin
1.1. Innovative
Formulated and developed using new generation micronized materials, guaranteeing and obtaining a highly effective and efficient product that contributes to the optimization of costs in livestock farming.

Microbiological studies have been carried out by the Department of Microbiology at the University of Navarra according to the protocol of the European standard EN 1656-AFNOR for the detection of the disinfectant activity of products against different bacterial strains.

Vital Blue SKin has been tested on the most important livestock farms in this country with positive results in obtaining heavier and more viable piglets at weaning, contributing to optimal development in the fattening and growth of the piglet.

1.2. Versatile
Its formulation, based on and developed using new generation micronized materials, allows Vital Blue Skin to be used in any type of facility, on any type of bedding or playpen, facilitating a homogeneous distribution of the product that guarantees great effectiveness in terms of contact and coating of the animal.

1.3. Effective
The maintenance of livestock farms dedicated to the breeding and fattening of piglets, at the level of environmental health, is based on the control of humidity, temperature and microbial population present in the bedding on which the animals rest. The search for environmental comfort in the animal's bedding and the maintenance of healthy animals is critical for their future development and growth, and can be decisive in the viability of piglets in these first days of life.

2. Vital Blue Skin Absorbent Action
2.1. Water Retention Tests
One of the parameters studied in the formulation of the product is its water absorption and retention capacity. The water absorption power of the product will enhance the product concept and justify its use in different piglet breeding farms.

Summary of the work carried out in the laboratory to measure the water absorption capacity of the different formulations:

  • Product 1: Market product with low absorbent power.
  • Product 2: Market product with low/medium absorbent power.
  • Product 3: Market product with medium/high absorbent power, with setting problems.
  • Vital Blue SKIN: high absorbent power, loose and fine product.

Vital Blue Skin

Vital Blue Skin: formulated to optimize water absorption, creating a loose, fine product.

2.2. Control of Humidity and Body Temperature in Piglets.
After birth, it is critical to control parameters in the piglet litter that will determine their development and future viability; we are referring to the piglet's humidity and body temperature. The water absorption capacity of Vital Blue Skin will allow act on these two parameters.

Drying newborn piglets immediately after birth reduces their high moisture content and helps eliminate traces of organic matter, such as blood, placenta, fetal membranes, and other fluids, thereby reducing the growth of infectious microorganisms present on the piglet's skin. Furthermore, this drying action helps maintain the piglet's body temperature, preventing drops that lead to hypothermia. These two actions, drying and maintaining body temperature, help reduce the time until the first intake of colostrum. The availability and intake of colostrum is essential during the first minutes of life. If the piglet does not take colostrum, its immune system does not begin to function properly, leaving it immunologically depressed and exposed to microorganisms that cause diseases that will condition its future life and may even lead to its death.

Vital Blue Skin

Application of Vital Blue Skin on the heating plate.

For the final formulation of Vital Blue Skin, different drying materials on the market have been used in order to obtain and develop a totally innovative product, successfully achieving an absorbent capacity greater than the products currently available. today, ensuring humidity control in the area where the piglet grows, as well as maintaining its body temperature.

3. Vital Blue Skin Antiseptic Action
3.1. Diseases in piglets.
There are a number of infectious diseases that can affect the viability, development, and growth of piglets. All the preventive measures we take to prevent these types of diseases from occurring are few. For this reason, Vital Blue Skin, through its antiseptic activity, helps to control and reduce the incidence of these types of diseases.

The most common diseases that affect the growth of piglets are porcine arthritis, exudative dermatitis (Staphylococcus hyicus) (photo 1) and diarrhea.

Of the three diseases, diarrhea is the main individual infectious cause of death in piglets.

Vital Blue Skin

Photo 1. Exudative dermatitis.

3.2. Diarrhea in piglets
Diarrhea can be caused by a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites, although the most common agent is the bacterium E. coli.

Its condition leads to limited growth in the piglet and lower weights at weaning, which is why we must act quickly in making the diagnosis and treatment, as well as as in the application of preventive measures. Vital Blue Skin acts as a preventative to control the growth and spread of E. coli in this first stage until weaning, when piglets are vulnerable to being infected by this microorganism. Keeping mothers and piglets in adequate health conditions is essential to achieve high milk production in mothers, with the consequent rapid growth of piglets and a good weaning weight that guarantees optimal fattening until their final destination ... />

3.3. Microbiological Tests, University of Navarra.
The different formulations studied to obtain Vital Blue Skin were subjected to different microbiological tests carried out at the University of Navarra to define and select the appropriate formulation and concentration for Vital Blue Skin to act at the level of microorganisms such as E. coli. To this end, two types of tests were carried out:

  • Microbiological Dose/Effect Test to assess the direct bactericidal action of Vital Blue Skin on the microorganism.
  • Bioscreen Test, through which we assess the evolution and growth over time of the different microorganisms against Vital Blue Skin at different concentrations.

Microbiological Dose/Effect Test
These types of tests have been carried out according to the environmental conditions
described by the protocol of European Standard EN 1656-AFNOR. In vitro incubations of different formulations were carried out against three bacterial strains:

  • Escherichia coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Streptococcus uberis

The incubation conditions were as follows:

  • Temperature incubation: 20°C
  • pH: 6.5-7
  • High content of organic matter simulating the appropriate growth concentration for this type of microorganisms.

Two concentrations of product at 1% and 5% were tested. It was considered bactericidal effect when there was no bacterial growth on the plate within 24 hours of inoculation, discarding those products in which bacterial growth was seen.

Bioescreen Test
This type of test allows us to see the evolution of microbial colonies of different products over time with different concentrations.

There are no bactericidal products as such on the market; products are generally bacteriostatic, that is, they control microbial growth by slowing it down over time. As microbial growth slows over time, the product has greater bacteriostatic power.

The Vital Blue Skin product provides proven efficacy with a reaction time of up to 48 hours, allowing dosage to be administered every two days depending on the microbial load present.

4. On-farm trials, Vital Blue Skin.
To validate the Vital Blue Skin product and verify the benefits derived from its use, a trial was conducted on a self-replacement farm for breeding and fattening pigs. The farm is located in the Ribera de Navarra with a number of 2,500 mothers in self-replacement and genetics: landrace x pietrain.

Vital Blue Skin

General view of the Farm where the trial was carried out.

Vital Blue Skin has been used compared to the conventional product for two months (60 days) obtaining at the end of this period values of:

  • Average weight of the piglet at weaning.
  • Growth Piglet diary at weaning.
  • Days of lactation.
  • Lactation losses.
  • Assessment of drug expenditure in suckling piglets.
  • IDCF (Weaning Mating Fertile Interval)

The product, Vital Blue Skin, has been used under the same conditions and doses as the conventional product, avoiding dose/effect interference.

For this purpose, a population of 30 individuals with their respective litters per treatment has been taken as a population, managing a global population in the trial of 60 total litters with an average of 9 piglets per litter. This means that the results obtained for each treatment correspond to the average values of 270 piglets per treatment, managing a total of 540 piglets in the trial.

The following table shows the average value per treatment for the following parameters: average piglet weight at weaning in kg (PD:kg/piglet), Average Daily Growth of the piglet in g/piglet (CD g/piglet) and the average value of the days of lactation of the piglets per treatment (DL):

  PD (kg)/Piglet CD (g)/Piglet DL
Conventional (average 270 piglets) 5.4 270 21.6
VB SKIN (average 270 piglets) 6.2 310 19.7
Difference Skin vs. Conventional 0.8 40 -1.9

Analysis of the Results Obtained:
Evaluating the results obtained, we can conclude the following:
The piglets that, after birth, have been treated with the Vital Blue Skin product compared to another reference product on the market, have obtained a weight gain of 15% compared to the conventional treatment as a result of a daily increase of 40g/piglet, which represents a 15% increase in weight on the day of weaning compared to the conventional treatment (Chart 1).

Vital Blue Skin

GRAPH 1. CD (g): Average daily growth/piglet

This 15% increase in weight helps to wean piglets treated with Vital Blue Skin 2 days earlier (Graph 2).

Vital Blue Skin

GRAPH 1. CD (g): Average daily growth/piglet

This 15% increase in weight helps to wean piglets treated with Vital Blue Skin 2 days earlier (Graph 2). class="small-text">GRAPHIC 2. DL: days of lactation of piglets. Trial carried out by the R&D&I department of Blue Agro Bioscience.

This management of the farm has resulted in a series of improvements that we can summarize and account for as follows:

  • Lactation losses: through the use of Vital Blue Skin, the rate of lactation losses has gone from lactation rate of 10.94% to an index of 9.48% which means 13% fewer nursing losses compared to conventional management.

Vital Blue Skin

  • Medicine Expenditure in suckling piglets: the expenditure for piglets with conventional treatment was 1.39€/piglet and the expenditure for piglets treated with Vital Blue Skin was 1.32€/piglet. By using Vital Blue Skin we reduce the cost of medication per piglet by 5%.
  • Fertile Mating Weaning Interval (FMI): By using Vital Blue Skin we go from having a weaning interval to mating the mothers again of 7.92 days compared to an interval of 8.5 days for conventional treatment. If the cost of conventional treatment for IDCF is between €1.5/mother-day and €3.5/mother-day, this implies a cost of €12.75/mother to €27.75/mother for conventional treatment. By using Vital Blue Skin, by reducing the mating interval we go from having a cost of 11.88€/mother to 27.72€/mother, obtaining a reduction in the cost/mother of 7% in the IDCF.

Vital Blue Skin

Vital Blue Skin reduces the Fertile Mating Interval (IDCF), obtaining a saving of 7% in the maintenance of the mothers from weaning to the next coverage.

5. Advantages and Benefits of Vital Blue Skin in piglet farming.
Advantages derived from the use of Vital Blue Skin:

  • Drying and absorbent with greater effectiveness than a conventional product.
  • Wound healing.
  • Broad-spectrum disinfectant and antiseptic.
  • Insect and larvae repellent.
  • Control and inhibition of ammonia in livestock farms.
  • Non-abrasive product, neutral for animal skins and respectful of the farmer's equipment.
  • Does not set, reducing problems with hoof wounds and obstructions in the evacuation system.

Benefits derived from the use of Vital Blue Skin:

  • Accelerates the healing of the umbilical cord.
  • Reduces the time of colostrum intake, increasing the viability of piglets.
  • Maintains body temperature, reducing hypothermia and hypoglycemia.
  • Significant reduction of infection foci thanks to its antiseptic effect. Formulated based on an oxidizing complex that acts at the cellular level on microorganisms.
  • Reduces mortality and morbidity of certain bacterial conditions.
  • Reduces neonatal diarrhea.
  • Reduces paw problems and exudative epidermitis (Staphylococcus hycius).
  • Facilitates the adoption protocol, reduces body odor in piglets, and possible rejection by the sow.
  • Improves the comfort and sanitary quality of the bed.
  • Improves the immunity and general health of the piglet.

6. Dosage and instructions for use of Vital Blue Skin

  • We can apply it to the sow's back a few hours before farrowing to keep the vulva area clean and dry.
  • We can sprinkle it on the heating bed where the piglet is located.

Vital Blue Skin

  • We can directly coat the newborn piglet, immersing it in a tank containing the product, avoiding obstruction of the animal's respiratory tract.

Vital Blue Skin

Secante para lechones Vital Blue Skin 1125Kg (45X25Kg)ref: 4956
916,80+ iva

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