Sun Skot Bulbless Heating System

No burns on piglets
No discomfort to the sow
Without changing light bulbs
SunSkot 2.0 bulb
An innovative design for a technical and efficient product at the service of your farm.
CE certified (n ° EN 60335 2 71 + A1: 2007), made in France and guaranteed for two years, it guarantees safety and improves the performance of your farm.
Placement height
In the farrowing room: it should be placed 50 cm from the floor.
In weaning, it should be placed between 70 cm and 80 cm.
The prolonged radiation technology provides thermal comfort to the piglets throughout their growth in the farrowing pen and also after weaning.
- Simple and robust product
- No change in lamp operation
- Economical product Water and dust resistant
- Longer lifespan than any other bulb on the market
- Adaptable to your existing fixtures
- Simple and direct use
- Even heat distribution
- No more burns on the piglet
- No risk of fire
- User comfort
- Economic benefit