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Comedero de 1 protección para cerdas madres Rotecnaref: 2859
48,60+ iva

Rotecna single-protection feeder for mother sows. High-density polyethylene.

Sow Bowl feeder that maintains maximum hygiene as there are no corners for feed.

Maintains maximum hygiene as there are no feed corners.

100% stainless steel protection.

Perfectly combinable with the VR-H valve.

Comederos y tolvas para cerdos Pide un presupuesto 333shop

Feeder characteristics:

  • No. animals/feeder 1
  • Maximum height: 39 cm
  • Minimum height: 16 cm
  • Width: 46 cm
  • Length: 33 cm
Comedero de 1 protección para cerdas madres Rotecnaref: 2859
48,60+ iva

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