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ROBUSTART Pasta para diarreas neonatales en lechonesref: 5913
18,70+ iva

Robuststart against neonatal diarrhea in piglets

Paste for the treatment of neonatal or non-specific diarrhea in piglets. Respects intestinal flora and function.
Suplementos nutricionales para lechones Pide un presupuesto 333shop

ROBUSTART is a unique combination of yeast, algae and silica.

Unlike other activated carbon-based products against diarrhea, Robustart respects the intestinal flora and function and does not cause astringency in the animal.

Paste for the treatment of neonatal or non-specific diarrhea in piglets. Robustart respects the intestinal flora and function.

It acts as a sequestrant and blocker of bacteria, toxins and pathogens in the intestine and also helps reduce inflammation, diarrhea and colitis by promoting the elimination of toxins from food through ion exchange.

ROBUSTART Pasta para diarreas neonatales en lechonesref: 5913
18,70+ iva

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