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Detector de preñez RHEINTECHNIK con sonda móvilref: 216
455,70+ iva

RHEINTECHNIK. Pregnancy detector with mobile probe

Pregnancy detector that helps avoid empty sows, fertility problems and poor results due to non-productive sows.

It is available with a fixed probe or a mobile probe.

Reliability of more than 90%

Detects pregnancy quickly and effectively from the 30th day after mating

Ecógrafos y diagnóstico de gestación Pide un presupuesto 333shop

Available with a fixed probe or a mobile probe, depending on your choice.

With this pregnancy detector, pregnancy can be detected quickly and effectively from the 30th day after mating with a reliability of more than 90%.


  • The Rheintechnik ultrasound scanner can offer the necessary safety.
  • The device is available with a fixed probe or mobile probe, according to your choice.

Features of the RHEINTECHNIK pregnancy detector

  • Battery or battery operated
  • On/off switch
  • Energy saving through automatic shutdown
  • Waterproof housing
  • Separate compartments for battery and electronic components
  • Supplied with a carrying case
Detector de preñez RHEINTECHNIK con sonda móvilref: 216
455,70+ iva

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