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Ecógrafo inalámbrico PROVETSCAN AS-200ref: 5121
2.173,70+ iva

PROVETSCAN AS-200 Wireless Ultrasound Scanner

High quality ultrasound for diagnosis in pigs, sheep and goats.

Includes Android tablet

Scanning depth: 90-180 mm

Battery life: 5 hours

Ecógrafos y diagnóstico de gestación Pide un presupuesto 333shop


  • Monitor: Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.
  • Frequency: 3.5 - 5 MHz
  • Scan mode: Convex
  • Number of crystals: 80 crystals
  • Scanning depth: 90-180mm
  • Software: Gain, Depth, Enhancement, Dynamic Range, Harmonic, save images and videos.
  • Grayscale: 256 levels
  • Battery life: 5 hours
  • Main unit size: 160x50x25 mm
  • Weight: 300 g


  • Provetscan AS Wi-Fi probe
  • Android Tablet
  • Protective case
  • Restraint harness
  • Transport case

Optional: Wireless charger

Consult the possibility of purchasing only the probe without an Android tablet.

Ecógrafo inalámbrico PROVETSCAN AS-200ref: 5121
2.173,70+ iva

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