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PROCEREX® Collar anti-orugas procesionariaref: 3399
47,80+ iva

PROCEREX® processionary anti-caterpillar collar

Catches the processionary caterpillar when it comes down from its nest. Prevention for the entire season and future years. Easy installation. Watch the video.

Very high capture capacity

Reusable for several seasons

Ingenious system and easy assembly

Control de plagas Pide un presupuesto 333shop

Ecological treatment of the pine processionary caterpillar

This trap allows an ecological treatment to eliminate the pine processionary caterpillars at the time of their descent.

Maximum tree perimeter without using supplements: 110 cm (Ø: 35 cm)

PROCEREX® Collar anti-orugas procesionariaref: 3399
47,80+ iva

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