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Kit para toma de muestras de fluidos oralesref: 3083
8,10+ iva

Oral fluid sampling kit

In recent years, new sampling, monitoring, and diagnostic tools in pigs have been developed and validated that are faster, simpler, and less expensive. Possibility of customization.
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Oral fluid sampling kit

One of these techniques is the collection and use of oral fluids (saliva) as a diagnostic specimen in pigs.

This technique has already been experimentally validated for PRRSV, PCV2 and influenza, and is being

Briefly, the technique is based on suspending a cotton rope in a pen for pigs to bite while depositing their saliva on it (Prickett et al. 2008).

The kit consists of the following items:

  • 60 cm of 100% cotton rope (not treated with chemicals)
  • Plastic bag (Zipplog ® type)
  • GenoTube swab
  • Pair of gloves
  • làtex.


Kit para toma de muestras de fluidos oralesref: 3083
8,10+ iva

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