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Massoclean Purines 20 Lref: 3655
164,20+ iva

Massoclean Purines Blender and flocculant 20 L

Highly versatile biological cleaner that stimulates the natural process of degradation of organic matter by the action of enzymes and bacteria.

Massoclean Purines accelerates the natural process of enzymatic activity

Improves the use of fertilizer by crops.

Less release of harmful and smelly gases

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  • Effectively reduces the emission of gases and odours.
  • It acts by liquefying and flocculating the slurry, increasing its fluidity.
  • Biodegradable, treated slurry is suitable as a fertiliser.
  • Digests fats and proteins without damaging any type of material.
  • Cleans and unclogs pipes and drains.
  • Suitable as a flocculant in treatment plants, respecting biological activity.
  • Suitable for use in animal bedding.

How to use Massoclean Purines

Always dilute the product in warm water, to promote its activity.

Massoclean Purines 20 Lref: 3655
164,20+ iva

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