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Higrómetro - termómetroref: 416
12,40+ iva

Herter analogue hygrometer - thermometer

Easy-to-use hygrometer and thermometer, ideal for measuring temperature and relative humidity.

Thermometer accuracy: ±1ºC

Hygrometer accuracy: ±5%

Suitable for hanging or placing on flat surface.

Medidores de humedad - temperatura Pide un presupuesto 333shop

The green areas show whether the temperature and humidity are suitable.


  • Indoor temperature: -35 to 55ºC
  • Indoor humidity: 20 to 100%
  • Thermometer accuracy: ±1ºC
  • Hygrometer accuracy: ±5%
  • Diameter: 12.9 cm
  • Depth: 30 mm
    • Suitable for hanging or placing on a flat surface.
    • Weight: 0.063 KG
Higrómetro - termómetroref: 416
12,40+ iva

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