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Pastor a eléctrico batería 333 MB5 para todo tipo de ganado y jabalíesref: 6261
126,00+ iva

Electric shepherd battery 333 MB5 cattle and wild boars

Fences up to 45 km. Species: equine, pig, cattle, sheep and wild animals (wild boar, deer, ...)

Operation: 12 V battery (not included)

Energy: 4 J

Pastores eléctricos a bateria Pide un presupuesto 333shop

Technical characteristics of electric shepherd 333 MB5

  • Energy: 4J
  • Voltage: 10,000V
  • Range: 45Km
  • Battery: 12V NOT INCLUDED
  • Autonomy: 25 DAYS WITH 12V 45AH
  • Weight: 1.8Kg
  • Measurements: 18x18x28cm
Pastor a eléctrico batería 333 MB5 para todo tipo de ganado y jabalíesref: 6261
126,00+ iva

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