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Báscula de plataforma 1500 Kg Baxtranref: 4204
800,50+ iva

Baxtran 1500 Kg platform scale

Platform with painted tubular steel structure and upper plate in painted teardrop steel welded to structure.

4 nickel-plated steel load cells, IP66.

Internal rechargeable 6V/4Ah battery, lasting 120 hours.

Unit range / Multi range / Multi interval.

Básculas para cerdos Pide un presupuesto 333shop

  • Fraction: 500 g
  • Dimension: 1200x1200 mm
  • Enameled in black.
  • 4 nickel-plated steel load cells, IP66.
  • 4 height adjustable feet (10 mm).
  • Floor installation.
  • Internal rechargeable battery 6V/4Ah, 120 hours of life.
  • Operating temperature: -10°C +40°C.
  • Unit range / Multi range / Multi interval.
  • Main power with AC/DC 240Vac adapter 50Hz.


  • Gross/Net
  • Tare
  • Accumulation
  • Totalization
  • Piece counting
Báscula de plataforma 1500 Kg Baxtranref: 4204
800,50+ iva

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