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Contenedor cadáveres 1500 L inoxidable - cabrestanteref: 6484
2.013,60+ iva

Porinox 1500 L stainless steel body container - winch

Container for the collection of animal carcasses, capacity 1500 L.

Made of stainless steel

Tilting discharge.

Reinforced structure

Contenedores cadáveres Pide un presupuesto 333shop

High-capacity, high-quality carcass container for use on farms.

Its compact, watertight design makes it easy to use and prevents unpleasant odors.

Container Features

  • Capacity: 1,500 liters
  • Reinforced structure
  • Tipping discharge system
  • Reinforced tilting lid
  • With support arm


Width: 206 cm
Height: 90 cm
Depth: 96cm

Made of 304 stainless steel, with a thickness of 2mm

Contenedor cadáveres 1500 L inoxidable - cabrestanteref: 6484
2.013,60+ iva

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