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inscrivez-vousDéjà membre ?Santé porcine : nouvelles et articles sur le SDRP, PCV2, biosécurité, etc., guide des maladies porcines, atlas de pathologie, cas cliniques ...
Cours du porc par pays. Production et commerce de viande. Nouvelles des marchés du porc et des matières premières.
Derniers cours des marchés du porc les plus importants. Prix historiques en différentes devises; avec des cours de change en temps réel
Articles sur la nutrition et l'alimentation des porcs, caractéristiques des matières premières et des additifs et prix des matières premières.
Articles sur la génétique et la reproduction porcine : sélection génétique, génomique, insémination artificielle, utilisation d'hormones ...
Gestion et conduite des élevages porcins et organisation du travail dans chacune des phases de production : conduite en gestation, engraissement, conduite e
Conception d'installations et d'équipements pour les élevages de porcs: conception des salles, climatisation, systèmes d'alimentation, etc. comparateurs d'é
Il s'agit d'un répertoire des entreprises et des produits de la filière porcine et de l'élevage en général, de l'exploitation agricole à l'industrie alimentaire.
DIVASA - FARMAVIC, S.A., is a wholly Spanish owned company, with its Head Office and production site in Gurb-Vic (Barcelona).
Since it was founded, the Company has proved to be a dynamic business, showing constant growth and expansion within the animal health sector, manufacturing and marketing veterinary products.
Our presence in the several areas of the veterinary sector is important to the Company's strategy. We currently have several product lines, each with its own particular features.
DIVASA - FARMAVIC, S.A. is currently active in four fundamental lines of business:
Our clearly defined, scrupulously applied strategy has helped DIVASA - FARMAVIC, S.A. become a well positioned business with excellent future prospects. The search for high quality products, both from the point of view of design and function as well as in production at each and every level of the organisation, is one of the pillars on which our Company rests. Another is innovation in terms of offering practical products with positive spin-off effects, offering clear advantages for their users. To sum up, we offer more efficient, safer products of the highest quality.
In Research & Development, DIVASA - FARMAVIC, S.A. has taken up the challenge of fostering technical and human resources at the highest level, allowing us to execute ever more ambitious projects and concentrating our efforts on new, innovative products.
The ultimate objective of DIVASA - FARMAVIC, S.A. is to extend our presence, with an global view of the market, reinforcing our relationship with subsidiaries and distributors alike, in order to offer the best services in the field, providing for animal health and welfare.
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