
The ”Traditional” Danish breed.

We select the animals with all the best qualities to ensure your success and return on investment:

Robust, long-lasting and efficient danish pure-breds;

and F1 cross-bred sows for slaughterpig production.

Arrière-grands-mères / Grands-mères Landrace Arrière-grands-parents/grands-parents Landrace Landrace

Originally known for its high fertility, the Landrace has proved its excellency and shown great results in many other ways, both in nucleuses for sow production and in the cross-breeding program, when producing the cross-bred F1 (LY/YL).

Landrace sows are robust, they have great mothering abilities, high fertility, and an optimal growth rate. They provide excellent meat quality, and many viable piglets.

Available for purchase:

  • Purebred Landrace breeding animals
  • Landrace semen - fresh or frozen



Contact us for purchase and delivery information!


Autres produits Breeders of Denmark A/S - Danish Genetics Partner

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