Empresa Premium

HIPRA is a biotechnological pharmaceutical company focused on prevention for animal and human health, with a broad range of highly innovative vaccines and an advanced diagnostic service.

A company that works with the latest technological advances to create innovative solutions that improve world health.

R&D projects are the basis of the knowledge. HIPRA has more than 50 years of experience dedicated to the research and development of different vaccines. With a unique organizational model, HIPRA controls all the processes of the value chain, generating singular know-how and becoming a reference in the research, production, and commercialization of biologics.

HIPRA has a solid international presence, commercial subsidiaries and a global distribution network, allowing products to reach costumers from more than 100 countries, covering the 5 continents.

Enviar mensaje
+34 972430660
Av. La Selva, 135
17170 GIRONA
HIPRAEmpresa - España13-nov-2023
New webinar on 16th November!
"Zinc Oxide Transition: Forging resilient swine production with advanced approaches to vaccination and nutrition"
Register now here: https://event.meetmaps.com/webinarzincoxide/en/info
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HIPRAEmpresa - España28-oct-2020

Mhyosphere® PCV ID: History starts here

On the 8th of October, HIPRA presents to the European countries its new vaccine Mhyosphere® PCV ID, the first needle-free intradermal vaccine for protection against M.hyo and PCV2.
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HIPRAEmpresa - España16-abr-2018
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HIPRAEmpresa - España27-feb-2018
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