Emergency measures relating to foot and mouth disease in Germany

14 January 2024/ OJEU/ European Union.

23-Jan-2025 (ago 1 months 9 days)

Germany has informed the Commission of the current foot and mouth disease situation on its territory, following an outbreak of that disease in an establishment keeping water buffalo animals in the state of Brandenburg in the federal state of Germany, which was confirmed on 10 January 2025, and, in accordance with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, it has established a restricted zone, which comprises protection and surveillance zones, where the disease control measures laid down in that Delegated Regulation are applied in order to prevent the further spread of that disease. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2025/87

Given the urgency arising from the epidemiological situation in Germany as regards the spread of foot and mouth disease and the need to prevent the disease spreading from the affected establishment in Germany to other parts of that Member State or to other Member States, it is appropriate that the measures laid down in this Implementing Decision apply as soon as possible.

Protection and surveillance zones established around the confirmed outbreak

Date until applicable: 11/02/2025

These measures aim to contain the spread of foot-and-mouth disease and minimize health risks in the country. Authorities urge producers and livestock farmers to strictly follow the regulations imposed to ensure the sector's safety.