Pig glossary

Feed conversion ratio (FCR)

It is a value that shows the efficiency with which the animal is capable of transforming feed consumed in body mass (meat). We obtain this value dividing the amount of feed consumed by the animal during a certain period of time by the growth of the animal during that same period.

For example: If a piglet grows 0.3 kg per day and it consumes 0.7 kg of compound feed, its FCE is: 0.7 / 0.3 = 2.33. The higher the FCE the poorer the conversion of the compound feed into animal tissues. So, we want the FCE to be as lowest as possible.


English (Global) Feed conversion ratio (FCR)Español (España) Índice de ConversiónEspañol (Latam) Índice de ConversiónEspañol (Argentina) Índice de ConversiónEspañol (México) Índice de ConversiónTiếng Việt Hệ số chuyển hoá thức ăn (FCR)