Uterine Prolapse

Consists of the partial or complete eversion of one or both uterine horns.

Alternative names: Prolapse of the uterus


It involves the partial or complete eversion of one or both uterine horns and usually occurs within 2-4 hours after farrowing. Prolonged labor during farrowing causes a small part of the uterus to be pushed out by uterine contractions.




  • Prolapse occurs within about an hour and begins with the appearance of the red mucosa of the uterus.
  • This protruding mass increases rapidly in size until it comes out.

Piglets, nursery, and fattening

  • Not seen.


Causes / Contributing Factors

  • Uterine prolapses are rare. They usually occur in older sows with large litters or that farrow very large piglets.
  • Structures that hold the uterus become weak or the uterine wall becomes flaccid.
  • Estrogenic mycotoxins have been linked to this condition.



  • Based on clinical sings.



  • The treatment consists of introducing the uterus back inside the sow. This is often impossible. The sow usually dies due to internal hemorrhage.
  • In most cases the sow should be culled for welfare reasons.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Uterine Prolapse


Pig disease diagnostic tool

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases