Swine vesicular disease

Swine vesicular disease is not common, but its importance is based on its clinical presentation indistinguishable from foot-and-mouth disease. (FMD).

Alternative names: EVP


Although the virus causing Swine Vesicular Disease differs from that causing foot and mouth disease, it produces a clinical disease which cannot be differentiated from Foot-and-mouth disease. Both viruses belong to the Picornavirdae family.

Every time a sudden lameness outbreak affecting a high amount of animals, and in which vesicles in face, tongue and hooves are present, this disease should be considered. In most countries the disease is mandatory to report, so authorities must be informed in case of any suspicion

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Swine vesicular disease


Pig disease diagnostic tool

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases