Shoulder ulcers

Shoulder ulcers occur in sows with low body condition and are detrimental to their welfare.


These ulcers are usually caused by pressure exerted on the bony prominences of the shoulder, and it is especially seen in sows with low body condition. Eventually the skin breaks, opening it and giving rise to a large wound. These sows should not be used for future reproduction.




  • At the highest point of the spine an area of reddened skin appears, and it will gradually become ulcerated.
  • In severe cases the injury may grow 40 - 70 mm in diameter with extensive granular tissue development.
  • It often affects both shoulders.

Nursing piglets, nursery and fattening

  •  Not seen.


Causes / Contributing Factors

  • It is associated with entirely slatted floors and with individual sows that are too thin and have prominent shoulders.
  • It is first seen during farrowing if the floors are slippery.
  • The sow has trouble getting up and this causes continuous bruising/sores on her shoulders. 



  • It is based on clinical signs and shoulders with bruises or sores.



  • As soon as wounds are observed on the shoulders, the sow must be moved to a pen with good bedding, and be feed ad libitum for 2-4 weeks.
  • Take a piece of foam or thick mat and cut a hole in the shape of the wound, but larger in size, and place it around the shoulder wound, fixing it with glue. This pad will protect the wound and allow it to heal.
  • Watch to make sure the nursing piglets are not cannibalizing the wound. If this occurs, wean the sow.
  • Sometimes it ends up producing a large granuloma which may be surgically removed.
  • Maintain proper weight in all animals to prevent having thin sows.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Shoulder ulcers

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases