
Pneumonia caused by Metastrongylus spp worms is found worldwide, especially in pigs raised outdoors.

Alternative names: Lungworm infestation, Metastrongylus spp


Pulmonary infection with Metastrongylus spp worms causes pneumonia in pigs. The worms are found in the bronchi and bronchioles.



Sows, nursery, and fattening

  • Tremors.
  • Slow growth.
  • Weight loss.
  • Pneumonia with cough.

Causes / Contributing Factors

Pigs raised outdoors, especially those exposed to soil.


Fecal analysis for eggs; evaluation of lung tissue.



  • Limit pigs' access to soil.
  • Use of anthelmintic.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Metastrongylosis

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases