Biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency is rare, but it may take the form of skin condition or lameness with hair loss and / or cracks in hooves.


Biotin is present in most nutrients and its deficiency is not often seen. The role of biotin in nutrition and changes that occur when it is deficient are unclear. However reports and field studies point out the associations described in the next section.



Sows, nursery and fattening

  • Lameness in whole herd or in groups of sows.
  • Laminitis.
  • Soft hooves.
  • Plantar hemorrhage
  • Dark and transverse cracks in hooves.
  • Excessive hair loss.


  • Extension of the weaning-to-mating interval.
  • Small litters.
  • Anoestrus.

Lactating piglets

  • It is not present.


Causes / Contributing Factors

  • Deficiency of biotin in diet.
  • Traumatism caused by erosive floors.



It is based on clinical signs and the fact that it affects the whole herd or groups of animals. Biotin deficiency can be confused with chronic lesions of swine vesicular disease.



  • In those cases in which extensive lesions occur, biotin must be added up to 0.5-1 mg / kg. The results can be seen after nine months.
  • Add biotin to the diet as a routine task.
  • Occasional lameness caused in tender paws with dark transverse cracks seem to improve with biotin supplementation in the diet; the appropriate inclusion rate is 100-200 mg / Tm.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Biotin deficiency

Atlas of pathology

Images of major swine diseases