Week of 15-Jan-2025
Photo of the week

Week of 26-Mar-2025
Some pigs have swollen ears and walk with their heads tilted to one side. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

Week of 19-Mar-2025
This pig had a good body condition, was anaemic and died suddenly. The stomach had a dark black content inside.

Week of 12-Mar-2025
This pig had a good body condition, was anaemic and died suddenly. The intestinal content is dark black. What is the most likely cause?

Week of 05-Mar-2025
Necrotic lesions in the feet of a weaner pig. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

Week of 26-Feb-2025
This sow has reddening of skin and considerable pain. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

Week of 19-Feb-2025
Sudden death in 6 – 8 weeks old weaner pigs. Carcasses are pale. There is haemorrhagic abdominal fluid with clotted blood strands and hepatic rupture. Excess of fluid in the thorax. Heart and muscles are pale. What is the most likely cause?

Week of 12-Feb-2025
There is scour, ill thrift and high mortality during the first 4 weeks post-weaning. All post-mortemed pigs had the same gross lesions, as the one seen in the picture. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

Week of 05-Feb-2025
There is an increase of regular and irregular returns in the breeding herd accompanied by abortions, stillborns and mummified piglets. All parities are affected. What is the cause of abortion in this picture?

Week of 29-Jan-2025
This pig has a mass protruding from behing. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

Week of 22-Jan-2025
Pigs around 15 weeks old develop purple patches over the hindquarters extending to all over the body. Mortality is high. What is the cause of this lesion?