Ocular conjunctiva, Jaundice - Atlas of swine pathology

Possible causes: Mycoplasma suisLeptospirosisPorcine circovirosisSalmonellosisClassical Swine FeverThrombocytopaenic purpuraAfrican swine feverAscariasisAflatoxicosis
Jaundice (yellow discolouration) is caused by the deposition of bilirrubin pigment on the animal tissues. Its origin can be due to increased hemolysis (pre-hepatic), liver malfunction (hepatic) of biliary obstruction (post hepatic). Hence different causes can be involved: toxicity, Porcine circovirus type 2 infection, Leptospira sp, Salmonella sp, Mycoplasma suis, hemoparasites, etc. The ocular conjunctive is a good spot to detect jaundice in a living animal.