Midges bites - Atlas of swine pathology

Midges bites


Possible causes: ErysipelaExudative EpidermitisMange

Multifocal, slightly raised and hyperaemic lesions with 0.5 to 2 cm in diameter widespread all over the carcass caused by midges bites (Culicoides obsoletus). Pruritic discomfort was detected in live animals. Sows and pigs were affected.

Reports of biting midges in pigs are rare in the literature. The importance of parasitic arthropods to pig production depends of the geographical location and the production system used. The direct economic impact of biting midges on pig production has not been studied. Skin blemishes from insect bites at slaughter may lead to unnecessary trimming or even condemnation, as seen in this case.

Jesús Borobia


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