Mesenteric limph nodes with hyperplasia - Atlas of swine pathology

Mesenteric limph nodes with hyperplasia


Possible causes: Porcine circovirosis

Mesenteric lymph nodes appear diffusely hyperemic and edematous; whitish, raised nodules scattered within the tissue correspond to hyperplastic follicles. Mesenteric and intestinal veins are prominent due to passive congestion. Intestine appears to be flaccide, without gas content. Gross features are consistent with sub-acute mesenteric hyperplastic lymphadenopathy.

The lesions were found in a growing pig that came from a site 2 farm where there were differences in pig growth were observed as well as lack of uniformity (backs of different heights). Some pigs had very pale skin. PCV2 was diagnosed and the vaccination protocol at that time was only implemented in the sows.

Dr. Michele Drigo and Dr. Sandro Mazzariol - University of Padova


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