Lung consolidation - Atlas of swine pathology

Lung consolidation


Possible causes: Enzootic Pneumonia (EP)PasteurellosisInfluenza

Enzootic pneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. It is widespread in pig populations and endemic in most herds throughout the world. It is a chronic, clinically mild, infectious pneumonia of pigs, characterized by its ability to become endemic in a herd and to produce a persistent dry cough, retarded growth rate and a high incidence of lung lesions in slaughter pigs.

Affected lungs are grey or purple, most commonly in the apical and cardiac lobes. Old lesions become clearly demarcated.

Because enzootic pneumonia causes distinct changes in the lungs of slaughtered pigs it is possible to monitor the levels of disease over time by regularly assessing damage in the abattoir.

Jesús Borobia


Pig disease diagnostic tool


Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs
