Hepatic rupture - Atlas of swine pathology

Hepatic rupture


Possible causes: Other

Sudden death occurred in 6 – 8 week old weaner pigs. Carcasses were pale (anaemic) and post-mortem examination revealed haemorrhagic abdominal fluid with clotted blood strands. There was an hepatic rupture and excess of fluid in the thorax. Heart and muscles were also pale.

The lesions were caused by a nutritional deficiency. The levels of vitamin E in the diet of these pigs was 75 mg/kg instead of the recommended 150 mg/kg. Vitamin E is necessary for the optimum function and metabolism of the muscular, nervous, circulatory and immune systems of the pig.

Jesús Borobia


Pig disease diagnostic tool


Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs
