Hemorrhages and necrotic pneumonia at lung. Hemorragic heart - Atlas of swine pathology

Hemorrhages and necrotic pneumonia at lung. Hemorragic heart


Possible causes: ActinobacillosisErysipelaMulberry heart diseaseSalmonellosisClassical Swine Fever

Subacute ASF clinical picture 23 days after experimental infection. Lungs shows large areas of hemorrhaging, some with lobular distribution, affecting both lungs. Foci of necrotic pneumonia. Presence of parasite was observed in the alveolar bronchi. Fibrins material exudates. The heart is entire congestive and hemorrhagic. Hard complexion. Diferential diagnosis should include CSF, different septicemia (Erisipelas, Salmonellosis, Actinobacillus suis), hemorrhagic diathesis, blood aspiration,  hemopericardium, Mulberry heart disease (vit E and / or selenium deficiency).

Carmina Gallardo


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