Fibrinous pericarditis - Atlas of swine pathology

Fibrinous pericarditis


Possible causes: Glässer diseasePasteurellosisStreptococcal infections

Seven-week old piglet with a case of Glässer's disease.

We were called to the farm because of increased mortality in the nursery (7-week old piglets). We performed necropsies on four piglets and each had the same lesion as pictured- a fibrin coating of the entire heart cavity. The animals that were sick did not respond to treatment with marbofloxacin.

Our presumptive diagnosis in this case was Glässer's disease, and treatment with amoxicillin resolved the issue.

We must consider S suis in the differential diagnosis.

Albert Finestra


Pig disease diagnostic tool


Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs
