333 subscription

Join the largest professional network in the swine industry and grow your business!

If you want to appear in the 333 guide you have to fill in the following fields and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

A 15% savings

Basic Company Plan

23 €17,5 /month
Annual payment of 210 €. You save 66,00 €

The basic plan includes:

  • Online presence and SEO positioning of your brand.
  • Publication of press releases linked to your social profile and statistics.

Advanced Company Plan

65 €60,42 /month
Annual payment of 725 €. You save 55,00 €

Includes all of the basic plan, plus:

  • Short posts on the social network.
  • Listing up to 5 products.
  • Capture of leads and quotes from your 5 product listings.
  • Option to sell your products on 333 Shop.
  • Social interaction and sending direct messages to users of the 333 social network from your company's account.

Professional Company Plan

201 €175 /month
Annual payment of 2.100 €. You save 312,00 €

Includes all of the advanced plan plus:

  • Publication of short content and articles (articles, press releases, etc.) with images, videos, and links to your company's website.
  • Every week the top six posts are featured in our weekly mailing "The web in 3 minutes."
  • Unlimited product listings with quotes.
  • Receive leads and quotes in all sections of the directory (list of products and companies, company page, and product pages.)
  • Premium visibility for your brand and all your listed products, always on the first page.
  • Post job offers

Need help choosing the right plan?

If you are wondering which plan is right for you, contact us and we will help you choose the best plan for your business.

Contact us