El 333 Experience Congress LATAM 2023, tendrá lugar en Centro de Convenciones Plaza Mayor en Medellín, Colombia los días 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2023.
The pig sector events all around the world
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Swine industry news in your email
Pig health: news and articles on PRRS, PCV2, biosecurity, etc, Pig disease guide, atlas of pathology, clinical cases…
A visual and practical step-by-step guide on how to perform a necropsy on a pig.
Pig disease diagnostic tool
Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs
Images of major swine diseases
All the information about ASF: how to recognize the disease, how it is transmitted, pictures of lesions, latest news, guides, etc.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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Pig Prices by countries. Pork production and trade. News of the pig market and the raw materials
The latest slaughter pig prices in the most important pig markets. Check the evolution of the historical prices in charts and in several currencies.
Figures & trends in pig numbers, pork production and pork trade.
Global production and trade data for the most important raw materials
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Articles on nutrition and pig feeding, characteristics of raw materials and additives for pig feed. Prices of raw materials
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Global production and trade data for the most important raw materials
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Articles on genetics and pig reproduction: genetic improvement, genomics, artificial insemination, use of hormones
Compare production data, calculate the number of sow, nursery, and finishing spaces, and visualize your tasks on the work schedule by type of BMS.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Tool that allows you to calculate the replacement rate in your farm
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Management, pig farm management, work planning in each production stage: management in gestation, grow finish, batch farrowing
Compare production data, calculate the number of sow, nursery, and finishing spaces, and visualize your tasks on the work schedule by type of BMS.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
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Design of facilities and equipment for pig farms: building design, climate control, feeding systems, etc.
Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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This directory is for swine and general livestock companies and products from the farm to the food industry.
Desde 1998 Porfenc produce y comercializa aditivos innovadores y de probada eficacia para la alimentación animal; innovación que se refleja en proceso de investigación y desarrollo en conjunto con reconocidas instituciones de alto nivel académico que han permitido documentar con solidez los efectos y beneficios de los aditivos comercializados. En su planta de Ramallo, asegura el abastecimiento tanto para el mercado local tanto como el de exportación con los más altos estándares de producción. Con sostenido crecimiento logró conquistar nuevos mercados consolidando así su presencia en los siguientes países: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, Perú, Vietman y Tailandia.
El 333 Experience Congress LATAM 2023, tendrá lugar en Centro de Convenciones Plaza Mayor en Medellín, Colombia los días 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2023.