
In case of fever or pain... let's make them feel better
Antipyretics Request a quote


Economic and welfare consequences of fever related issues

Although fever is a natural mechanism and is beneficial, it should be controlled. Too high a fever can lead to associated clinical symptoms and can also diminish the efficacy of immune defenses.

Fever can have harmful consequences on the general condition of the animals: depression, reduction in feed consumption, even anorexia; risk of secondary bacterial infection.


Consequences in growing pigs (fever or pain caused by castration, teeth clipping, tail docking, etc.)

• Degradation of growth performance
• Decrease of feed intake
• Reduced efficacy of anti-infective treatments administered by oral route


Consequences in sows
(fever or postpartum

• Abortions
• Degeneration of state of health
• Stress caused by pain

  Pracetam has been proven efficient to fight fever.  

It has a powerful analgesic effect reducing the stress caused by pain in animals and improving their welfare.

  • A preliminary supporting study on the efficacy of Pracetam® 10% Premix has demonstrated the tight correlation between clinical scores and body temperature (p<0.001).

Pracetam helps to quickly reduce fever and maintain production levels

Pracetam helps to quickly reduce fever and maintain production levels.

  • Its active component, paracetamol, is a safe and efficient substance, with many years of history in medical use. Now that it has been developed for animal health, it can be first choice remedy for treatment of fever and pain, essential for your first aid on-farm kit.


Rational use of antibiotics with Pracetam®

All legislation and production trends in Europe show that responsible use of antibiotics and decrease in their usage are key points to delivering a competitive and sustainable product.

Pracetam® helps reduce antibiotic use.

It efficiently treats fever and symptoms caused by viral infections (Influenza, PRRSv), thus allowing rational use of antibiotics and reducing their consumption.

A field trial in order to compare the efficacy of two different treatments showed the following:

Pracetam® showed lower rate of treatment failure, no relapse or new cases during study.

Group 1
treated with Pracetam® 20% Oral Solution (paracetamol) for 5 days.
Group 2
treated with Doxycycline
in water for 4 days.
Group 3
control group (placebo).

Thermal image of sows in group housing.

Thermal image of sows in group housing.


Main Indications

Pracetam is a highly versatile product, which can serve a variety of production purposes and is applicable throughout the entire production cycle.

  Influenza-like syndrome / Respiratory disease   Post-vaccinal reactions  
  Sows: Pracetam® can be used throughout pregnancy and lactation.
Fattening pigs: Pracetam® can be used from weaning to slaughter for influenza-like syndrome, respiratory disease, PRRS outbreak or non-specific fever.
  Sows: Pracetam® can be used at vaccination time, either just before or just after vaccination. Safety has been demonstrated in pregnant and lactating sows.  
  Peripartum management   Pain linked to castration  
  Pracetam® can be used around the farrowing period. Safety has been demonstrated in pregnant and lactating sows.   Pracetam® has been used in the field of
a castration study. Security has been demonstrated
in piglets.
  Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS)   Weaning period (stress management)  
  Pracetam® can be used to reduce the clinical
expression of PCV-2 (wasting piglets).
  Pracetam® can be used during the weaning
period (fever/stress).

Thermal image of nursery

Thermal image of nursery.


Comparative with similar remedies

Aside from helping reduce antibiotic use and having an excellent tolerance, Pracetam® is a product with no side effects or risks in application. The results of studies confirm its safety and efficiency at all times of application.



Pracetam® complete product range

PracetamDrinkable PRACETAM® 20% Oral solution for pigs. Composition: Paracetamol 0.20 g. Excipient qs 1ml Properties: Paracetamol or acetaminophen, or N-acetyl-p-aminophenol is one of the derivatives of para-aminophenol with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Maximal concentrations are attained a little less than 2 hours after ingestion. Therapeutic indications: in pigs: Treatment for fever symptoms caused by flu. Directions for use and method of administration: 30 mg of paracetamol per kg of live weight per day, during 5 days, by the oral route administered continuously in the drinking water, which is 1.5ml of solution per 10kg live weight and per day during 5 days. Waiting time: meat and offal production: 0 days. Contraindications: Do not use in animals with a known hypersensitivity to paracetamol or to other constituents of the product, or with a a serious hepatic or renal insufficiency. Undesirable effects: No undesirable effect has been observed as a result of the administration of this medication at therapeutic doses. Use during pregnancy or lactation: Studies in laboratory animals have not shown any evidence of teratogenic or fetotoxic effects at the doses used therapeutically. The administration of the product to gestating or lactating sows, at three times the therapeutic dose has not shown any undesirable effect. Overdose: No side effect has been demonstrated in pigs at up to 5 times the recommended dose. Medical and other interactions: None known for pigs. Packaging: 1 litre or 5 litre container. AMM number: FR/V/0407159 2/2005 of 20/12/2005 . Holder of marketing authorisation: SOGEVAL, 200 Route de Mayenne, BP 2227, 53022 LAVAL CEDEX 9, FRANCE.

Drinkable PRACETAM® 40% Oral solution for pigs. Composition: Paracetamol 0.40 g. Excipients: Dimethyl sulfoxide, Ponceau 4R(E124), Macrogol 300. Properties: Paracetamol or acetaminophen, or N-acetyl-p-aminophenol is one of the derivatives of para-aminophenol with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Maximal concentrations are attained a little less than 2 hours after ingestion. Therapeutic indications: in pigs: Treatment for fever symptoms caused by flu. Directions for use and method of administration: 30 mg of paracetamol per kg of live weight per day, during 5 days, by the oral route administered continuously in the drinking water, which is 0.75ml of solution per 10kg live weight and per day during 5 days. Waiting time: meat and offal production: 0 days. Contraindications: Do not use in animals with a known hypersensitivity to paracetamol or to other constituents of the product, or with a a serious hepatic or renal insufficiency. Undesirable effects: No undesirable effect has been observed as a result of the administration of this medication at therapeutic doses. Use during pregnancy or lactation: Studies in laboratory animals have not shown any evidence of teratogenic or fetotoxic effects at the doses used therapeutically. The administration of the product to gestating or lactating sows, at three times the therapeutic dose has not shown any undesirable effect. Overdose: No side effect has been demonstrated in pigs at up to 5 times the recommended dose. Medical and other interactions: None known for pigs. Packaging: 0.5 litre,1 litre, 2.5 litre or 5 litre container. AMM number: FR/V/2838154 7/2013 of 19/12/2013 . Holder of marketing authorisation: SOGEVAL, 200 Route de Mayenne, BP 2227, 53022 LAVAL CEDEX 9, FRANCE.

PRACETAM® 20% Oral powder for pigs. Composition: Paracetamol 0.2 g. Excipient qs 1.00g Properties:  Paracetamol or acetaminophen is a a derivative of para-aminophenol with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its antipyretic effect is explained by its capacity to inhibit brain cyclo-oxygenases. Paracetamol is a weak inhibitor of the synthesis of COX-1 and, in consequence does not have an undesirable effect on the gastro-intestinal tract, nor any modification of platelet aggregation. Therapeutic indications: target species: porcines (pigs and weaners). Treatment for fever symptoms caused by a respiratory infection, if necessary in association with an appropriate anti-infective treatment. Directions for use and method of administration: Oral route. 30 mg of paracetamol per kg of live weight per day, while the pigs suffer from hyperthermia, for a maximum of 5 days. The product is administered continuously in the drinking water, at a dose of 1.5g of oral powder per 10kg of live weight. According to their clinical condition, the animals consume a variable quantity of water supplemented with the medicine. To assure a correct dosage, the concentration in the drinking water must be adjusted in consequence. Contraindications: Do not use in animals with a known hypersensitivity to paracetamol or to other constituents of the product, or with a a serious hepatic or renal insufficiency. Do not use in animals suffering from dehydration or hypovolemia.  Administration concomitantly with nephrotoxic drugs must be avoided. Undesirable effects: In rare cases, at therapeutic doses, a transitory softening of faeces can appear and persist for up to 8 days after the cessation of treatment. This undesirable effect does not affect the general condition of the animal and disappears without specific treatment. Warning specific to each target species: Animals showing a loss of appetite and/or a poor general condition must be treated by the parenteral route. In case of viral or bacterial infection, an appropriate anti-infective treatment must be administered concomitantly. Use in cases of pregnancy or lactation: Studies in laboratory animals have not shown any evidence of teratogenic or fetotoxic effects at the doses used  therapeutically. The administration of the product to gestating or lactating sows, at three times the therapeutic dose has not shown any undesirable effect. Waiting time: meat and offal production: 0 days. Legal category: Veterinary use Packaging: 10kg bag AMM number: FR/V/1990948 4/2009. Holder of marketing authorisation: SOGEVAL, 200 Route de Mayenne, BP 2227, 53022 LAVAL CEDEX 9, FRANCE.

Premixed medicinal PRACETAM® Paracetamol 100. Composition: Paracetamol 0.1 g. Excipient qs 1.00g Properties: Paracetamol or acetaminophen, is a derivative of para-aminophenol with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Paracetamol is a weak inhibitor of the synthesis of COX-1 and, therfore does not have an undesirable effect on the gastro-intestinal tract, nor any modification of platelet aggregation. Therapeutic indications: target species: porcines (pigs and weaners). Treatment for the reduction of fever symptoms in the context of an acute respiratory infection, in association with an appropriate anti-infective treatment. Directions for use and method of administration: Oral route. The daily dose is 30 mg of paracetamol per kg of live weight, during 5 consecutive days, administered in feed. Contraindications: Do not use in animals with a known hypersensitivity to paracetamol, or with a a hepatic or renal insufficiency, or hypovolemia. Administration concomitantly with nephrotoxic drugs must be avoided. Undesirable effects: No undesirable effect has been observed as a result of the administration of this medication at therapeutic doses. Use during pregnancy or lactation: The safety of the product has been demonstrated in gestating or lactating sows, by studies during which it has been administered at three times the recommended dose. Special precautions for use: This premixed medicine is designed for use in the preparation of medicinal solid feedstuffs and cannot be used in its native state; the rate of incorporation of the premixed medicinal cannot be less than 5kg/ton. Waiting time: meat and offal production: 0 days. Legal category: Veterinary use. Packaging: 10kg or 25 kg bag AMM number: FR/V/7299701 3/2003 of 23/01/2003. Holder of marketing authorisation: SOGEVAL, 200 Route de Mayenne, BP 2227, 53022 LAVAL CEDEX 9, FRANCE.

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