The classified ads service is free. Any user of our web can see all the published ads, but for seeing the contact information and placing an ad you must have logged in.
The advertisements must be related with agriculture and livestock.
The advertisements will expire after two months. At that moment you will receive an e-mail message warning you. If you wish so, you will be able to activate it again. You will be able to modify or remove the advertisement at any time.
The advertisements will be shown in all the 333 webpages.
Only 2 advertisements can be published simultaneously, except in the Job Offers section. The simultaneous advertisements cannot be duplicated.
In the text of the advertisement you cannot include any e-mail, telephone number nor urls. These data shall be included in the corresponding fields. The images cannot contain added texts, logotypes nor watermarks.
333 Corporate 1998, S.L. reserves the right to reject any advertisement published in 333 webpages.
The classified advertisements are the sole responsibility of the user. In order to obtain more information on this matter, please read the Disclaimer.
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