
Latin America, Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

AMVECAJ 2019AMVECAJ 20196Feb20192019-02-068Feb20192019-02-08Feria de Tepatitlan, Jalisco , Mexico Google
ExpoANTAD y Alimentaria México ExpoANTAD y Alimentaria México 5Mar20192019-03-057Mar20192019-03-07Guadalajara, Mexico Google
III SimporkIII Simpork27Mar20192019-03-2729Mar20192019-03-29Jaboticabal, Brasil, Brazil Google
CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA CARNE 2019CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA CARNE 20199Apr20192019-04-0911Apr20192019-04-11Mazatlán International Center, Mexico Google
Expomeat 2019Expomeat 20199Apr20192019-04-0911Apr20192019-04-11Anhembi Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1209 Santana, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Brazilhttp:// ' Google
XII SINSUIXII SINSUI21May20192019-05-2123May20192019-05-23Centro de Eventos da PUCRS em Porto Alegre, Brasil, Brazil Google