
Page 8 of Europe, Events for the year 2022 in the 333 Events Schedule

Intl. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary MedicineIntl. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine11Sep20222022-09-1114Sep20222022-09-14Meliá Castilla Hotel & Convention Center, Madrid, Spain Google
SPACE 2022SPACE 202213Sep20222022-09-1315Sep20222022-09-15Parc-Expo de Rennes, France Google
Polagra Food 2022Polagra Food 202226Sep20222022-09-2628Sep20222022-09-28Poznań, Poland Google
Smart Agrifood Summit 2022Smart Agrifood Summit 202229Sep20222022-09-2930Sep20222022-09-30Málaga, Spain Google
XI International Symposium on the Mediterranean PigXI International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig11Oct20222022-10-1113Oct20222022-10-13Olympia SKY Resort, Vodice, Croatia Google
Animal AgTech Innovation Summit EuropeAnimal AgTech Innovation Summit Europe12Oct20222022-10-1213Oct20222022-10-13Amsterdam, Netherlands Google