
Asia and Africa, Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

VIV Asia 2019VIV Asia 201913Mar20192019-03-1315Mar20192019-03-15BANGKOK, THAILAND, Thailand Google
Pig Feed Quality Conference 2019Pig Feed Quality Conference 201924Apr20192019-04-2425Apr20192019-04-25Hotel Nikko Saigon 
in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam., Vietnam Google
CAHE China Animal Husbandry ExpoCAHE China Animal Husbandry Expo18May20192019-05-1820May20192019-05-20WuHan international Expo, China Google
2019 Ensminger Pig Symposium2019 Ensminger Pig Symposium22May20192019-05-2223May20192019-05-23AHA KOPANONG HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE, SOUTH AFRICA, South Africa Google
47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference5Jun20192019-06-057Jun20192019-06-07Manila , Philippineshttp://.' Google
Livestock and Aquaculture Philippines 2019Livestock and Aquaculture Philippines 201926Jun20192019-06-2628Jun20192019-06-28World Trade Center Metro Manila, Philippines Google