
Page 6 of Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

2019 Ensminger Pig Symposium2019 Ensminger Pig Symposium22May20192019-05-2223May20192019-05-23AHA KOPANONG HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE, SOUTH AFRICA, South Africa Google
VIII Seminario Internacional Porcicultura Tropical 2019VIII Seminario Internacional Porcicultura Tropical 201927May20192019-05-2731May20192019-05-31La Habana, Cuba, Cubahttp://. ' Google
47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference5Jun20192019-06-057Jun20192019-06-07Manila , Philippineshttp://.' Google
 World Pork Expo- CANCELED World Pork Expo- CANCELED5Jun20192019-06-057Jun20192019-06-07Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa, United States Google
Alberta Pork CongressAlberta Pork Congress11Jun20192019-06-1113Jun20192019-06-13Westerner Park Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Google
VICTAM InternationalVICTAM International12Jun20192019-06-1214Jun20192019-06-14KoelnMesse in Cologne, Germany, Germany Google