
Page 5 of Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

Pig Feed Quality Conference 2019Pig Feed Quality Conference 201924Apr20192019-04-2425Apr20192019-04-25Hotel Nikko Saigon 
in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam., Vietnam Google
TuttoFood 2019TuttoFood 20196May20192019-05-069May20192019-05-09Milan, Italy Google
Farmer's Live 2019Farmer's Live 201914May20192019-05-1416May20192019-05-16Moscow, Russia Google
CAHE China Animal Husbandry ExpoCAHE China Animal Husbandry Expo18May20192019-05-1820May20192019-05-20WuHan international Expo, China Google
XII SINSUIXII SINSUI21May20192019-05-2123May20192019-05-23Centro de Eventos da PUCRS em Porto Alegre, Brasil, Brazil Google
11th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM 2019)11th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM 2019)22May20192019-05-2224May20192019-05-24Utrecht, The Netherlands, Netherlands Google