
Page 12 of Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

Gordon Lawson Memorial Symposium26Sep20192019-09-2627Sep20192019-09-27Edinburgh University Veterinary School , United Kingdom Google
Animal AgTech Innovation Summit EuropeAnimal AgTech Innovation Summit Europe1Oct20192019-10-012Oct20192019-10-02Amsterdam, Netherlands Google
AnugaAnuga5Oct20192019-10-059Oct20192019-10-09Cologna, Germany, Germany Google
Congreso GITEP 2019Congreso GITEP 201910Oct20192019-10-1011Oct20192019-10-11Santa Fe, Argentina, Argentina Google
The 8th Leman China Swine ConferenceThe 8th Leman China Swine Conference19Oct20192019-10-1921Oct20192019-10-21 Zhengzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center, China Google
XIX CONGRESSO NACIONAL ABRAVESXIX CONGRESSO NACIONAL ABRAVES22Oct20192019-10-2224Oct20192019-10-24Toledo, Brasil, Brazil Google