
Page 11 of Events for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

ILDEX Indonesia 2017ILDEX Indonesia 201718Sep20192019-09-1820Sep20192019-09-20D1-D2, JIEXPO, Jakarta, Indonesia Google
VI Congreso Iberoamericano de PorciculturaVI Congreso Iberoamericano de Porcicultura18Sep20192019-09-1820Sep20192019-09-20Hotel el Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá, Panama Google
VIV Qingdao 2019VIV Qingdao 201919Sep20192019-09-1921Sep20192019-09-21Qingdao World Expo City, Shandong, China, China Google
EuroTier ChinaEuroTier China19Sep20192019-09-1921Sep20192019-09-21Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, China Google
Simposio Int.  GENOX de Reprodución PorcinaSimposio Int. GENOX de Reprodución Porcina25Sep20192019-09-2526Sep20192019-09-26Sol Victoria Hotel Spa, Victoria, Entre Ríos., Argentina Google
CIMIE 2019. China International Meat Industry ExhibitionCIMIE 2019. China International Meat Industry Exhibition26Sep20192019-09-2628Sep20192019-09-28Chengdu Century City New Exhibition and Convention Center, China Google